Established in 1979, the preschool program at Discovery Learning Center (DLC) is a melting pot of a few well-known Child Development philosophies. Primarily, we draw from The Reggio Approach (long term child-lead projects/curriculum & beautiful environment), Montessori Education (child-lead, independence, choice & life skills), and Outdoor Learning (connection to senses, gross motor, wholistic approach).
DLC values the individual child by meeting them where they are at! By observing developmental needs, we infuse our outdoor and indoor classrooms with equipment and materials the provide the stimulation needed to find balance. We create an atmosphere where inventiveness, creativity and divergent thinking are celebrated! Our staff prepares projects and activities for each group that are designed to be age appropriate with the “right” level of challenge for them, while also weaving in the children’s current interests! The genesis for these program areas comes directly from the children’s emerging interests. Consequently, as the children evolve, so does the program.
Above all, we know that the quality of the teachers working directly with the children is crucial for their overall learning experience. Our teachers are valued and supported by our admin team. They are educated, knowledgeable, and creative Early Childhood professionals. Most importantly, DLC teachers are joyful, kind and loving!

A child needs adults in their environment who respect their ability to create, and who provide the means for them to do so. We must be consistent in our respect for the child’s ability to make choices and to function independently. By doing so, we help to develop a creative, divergent problem-solver and a unique human being.
Committment to Our Students…
- To value and guide the child’s natural curiosity and joy of learning
- To revere play as the true work of children
- To revere laughter as the music of the soul
- To encourage creativity, imagination, and diverse thinking
- To facilitate independent behavior and problem-solving skills
- To provide a safe loving atmosphere where positive self-esteem flourishes
- To encourage caring, accepting, and loving interactions
- To value cultural diversity and promote anti-bias thinking
- To provide developmentally appropriate curriculum which is in larger part determined by the children’s emerging interests
- To always be committed to the needs of the child first